Ebook What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

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Ebook What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

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What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

Ebook What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

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What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes

In more than 30 years of ministry to women, Emilie Barnes has heard thousands of dating and marriage stories...some good, some bad. Drawing on these and her 50-plus years of being happily married to her husband, Emilie offers husbands key insights into understanding women, communicating so women will accept their input, and letting their loves know they are cherished. In easy-to-read chapters, readers will find--

  • tools for keeping their marriages uplifting
  • effective ways to handle disagreements
  • ways to keep biblical priorities regarding wives, children, and work
  • questions to spark conversations with their wives
  • Love Makers--little things they can do to delight their mates

Advocating biblical values, Emilie encourages husbands to be leaders in their homes, to be strong protectors, to love their wives, and to grow spiritually. What Makes a Woman Feel Loved will help men strengthen and add romantic elements to their marriages.

  • Sales Rank: #1197613 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Harvest House Publishers
  • Published on: 2007-07-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .44" w x 5.51" l, .56 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 208 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Emilie Barnes is the author of 70 books, including 101 Ways to Clean Out the Clutter; Heal My Heart, Lord; and 15 Minutes Alone with God. Emilie and her husband, Bob, are also the founders of More Hours in My Day time-management seminars.

What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes PDF
What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes EPub
What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes Doc
What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes iBooks
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What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes Mobipocket
What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes Kindle

What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes PDF

What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes PDF

What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes PDF
What Makes a Woman Feel Loved: Understanding What Your Wife Really WantsBy Emilie Barnes PDF

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